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Friday, October 21, 2011

Fall Mustard Greens

Radiator Charlie's Mortgage Lifter Tomatoes. October 21st


Egyptian Onions- Walking Onions-Topsetting Onions

Winter Spinach

Swiss Chard October 21st

October 21st Fall Garden Overview

Calcots- Spanish style green onions.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Radiator Charlies Mortgage Lifter. Picked october 8th.

I planted 4 or five varietys last spring, but really the only ones that did any good are the Radiator Charlies. They have very good size and flavor, when they are ripe they are a nice pink almost red color.It was very hot here this summer and I think the fruit didn't set very well. Here at the end they have really come on strong. Most of these were picked about 6 or 7 feet off the ground. Look how clean and shiney they are.They have never been any where near the ground.

Planting Calcots- Spanish Green Onions

I planted about 75 onions, about setember 5th. They are buried about four inches deep. Each bulb will produce about 5 or 6 green onions next spring. They will be ready to harvest in April. I planted each bulb about 6 inches apart. If you look online there is quite a bit of information how to cook and make special sauces for them. In Spain they have big Calcot Onion festivals.


Be sure you cut the top off, and not the root end.

Calcots- Forcing onions

I planted my calcots about September 5th. I bought a few bags of onions at the grocery store. I think its a good idea to use as nice and big ones as you can find. You cut the tops off and bury them in a trench about four inches deep. They will sprout in about 5 weeks, as they grow you keep backfilling dirt around them. In march they will start to grow and you will have the nicest green onions you have ever seen.